Our Approach to Healing

EMDR Intensives

At Coast to Coast, we utilize intensive, retreat-style EMDR therapy that empowers you to focus and find healing faster than traditional weekly sessions offer.

EMDR Intensive Therapy allows you to condense your therapeutic journey and progress in a shorter period than traditional therapy sessions. While one-hour weekly sessions can be effective, they often involve catching up from the week before and preparing for the week to come, leaving less time for actual therapeutic processing.
Intensives are typically 4-6 hours per day for 1-10 consecutive days allowing you to focus solely on healing, growth, and long-lasting improvement without worrying about the daily stressors that often fill a weekly therapy session. With intensives, you have the opportunity to efficiently discover and heal the roots of your struggles with the help of highly trained, trauma-informed clinicians.

The Team

Our team consists of highly experienced and qualified therapists with specialized education and skills (with focuses on addiction, foster and adoption issues, first responders, therapists seeking therapy, expressive arts, attachment, inner child work, and relationship issues). Additionally, all of our therapists are EMDRIA Approved Consultants and EMDR Trainers who train therapists nationally.

Our Center

Coast To Coast utilizes a variety of therapies to help you heal, including Client-Centered Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness-Based techniques, Somatic (Body) Therapies, Ego State Interventions, Attachment-Focused techniques, Expressive Arts, Solution-Focused Therapy, and more. However, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is the primary method used to accelerate your treatment and get the most out of the intensive format.

What is EMDR?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy developed by Dr. Francine Shapiro that allows people to heal their symptoms and emotional distress using bilateral stimulation. EMDR is based on the Adaptive Information Processing model which proposes that a client’s symptoms are the result of negative events and adverse life experiences which were incompletely or maladaptively processed and can be reprocessed to reduce or eliminate the symptoms. After EMDR, people no longer have the problematic emotional reactions, physical disturbance, or negative beliefs about themselves. They often report feeling lighter and more empowered.

In EMDR treatment clients are first taught coping skills so they can develop more emotional and physical regulation and not feel as nervous about dealing with their trauma. During reprocessing, clients allow their minds to bring up memories, thoughts and feelings while using bilateral stimulation. Bilateral stimulation may be eye movements, holding tappers, or audio sounds. This bilateral stimulation “turns on” the brain’s natural healing system that allows us to adaptively process memories – very much like we do in REM sleep. Clients are in control the entire time and their own brain doing the processing. The processing can continue after session for hours or a couple of days.

EMDR is different than “talk therapy”. Often clients are conflicted between what they know is true and what their “gut” tells them. For example, people who were neglected as children may understand as adults that the lack of care they received was due to their mother’s addiction issues, yet they still suffer from feeling that they are not good enough or deserving, and they often find themselves in poor relationships. Through EMDR, the client gains insight to connect the rational information they know in their brain with the trauma memory and gut feeling to transform it, thereby eliminating the distress and symptoms, and gaining an improved belief about themselves. EMDR does not require homework or verbalizing the details of the trauma.

EMDR therapy enables people to heal their symptoms instead of just learning to cope with them.

There is extensive research on EMDR including over 30 randomized controlled studies showing its effectiveness as well as its effectiveness on a wide ranch of issues and populations (see list). EMDR is designated as effective by the World Health Organization, SAMHSA, The American Psychological Association, and the Department of Defense. Since EMDR works so well with severe and complex trauma, it is easy to image how well it can work on simpler issues associated with more commonplace negative memories (anxiety, relationship issues, anger, phobias, hopelessness, etc). It is used by hundreds of thousands of clinicians world-wide to successfully treat millions of people. 

Contact us to learn if EMDR is the right solution for your healing journey.

What does EMDR Treat?

At Coast to Coast, we have helped our clients find healing through EMDR in many areas. 

Below is a list of some of the issues we’ve helped address:

Who Do We Treat?

Our therapists work with adults with a range of issues at Coast to Coast. While we treat a variety of populations and issues, we specialize in treating therapists and first responders.

What to expect

Our intensives are designed like a retreat, as it is a time for you to focus on healing.

The intensive will be an individualized retreat, and the length of your sessions may vary. You may or may not be provided with supplemental homework to complete between sessions as well. Therapy is 4-6 hours per day in the Coast to Coast office, with clients typically staying at a hotel or residence close by.

When you are not in session, you will be on your own to process, reflect, and relax. You may want to nap, read, walk, swim, or exercise during this period, so we recommend packing accordingly. This time is still a part of the therapy and provides space for your mind and body to process the work we have done and deliver self-care.

It is for these reasons, and because EMDR will continue to work after the sessions, that we recommend not staying at home or working, but rather investing in activities you enjoy, such as yoga, walks, massages, etc. We also recommend renting a car so you can partake in local activities and make the most of your journey.

Intensive therapy offers a jumpstart to your healing as months of therapy are compacted into 3-10 days, depending on your needs.

Get Started

To learn more about an intensive or schedule your visit, please complete the “Contact Me” form here or email us at insightcounselingintensives@gmail.com to schedule a free pre-treatment assessment.

Our team will explore if an intensive is a good fit for you and help you determine how many days may be required based on an online trauma assessment known as the Post-Traumatic Stress Index.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are the intensives offered?

We offer EMDR Intensives at both Coast to Coast offices in Boca Raton, FL, Seattle/Spokane, WA, and Denver, CO.

EMDR has been extensively researched and proven effective for treating many issues (see the list below). It helps us process memories that have created negative beliefs about ourselves and the world and shaped our emotional reactions.

EMDR can produce faster and more long-lasting results than weekly talk therapy sessions because instead of just problem-solving daily symptoms and patterns, EMDR addresses and heals the root of your symptoms.

CTA – Contact us to learn if EMDR is the right solution for your healing journey.

Is an intensive experience more expensive than traditional options?

EMDR intensives allow us to condense 9-12 months of individual therapy sessions into a 3-10 day span. They may seem more expensive than traditional weekly sessions but are cost-effective as they require less time overall. We find intensives are a more efficient use of time, as each hour is a full hour, not 50 minutes, and the first 5-20 minutes of each hour isn’t spent on “catching up” or venting about issues that occurred since the last appointment. Our clients are also not dealing with missed appointments due to daily living issues.


Additionally, clients don’t experience therapy fatigue, where they become discouraged by slow progress or frustrated because they have just made progress or opened a traumatic memory only to be told at the end of a weekly 50-minute session that time is up.


To learn more about the benefits of intensives, click here to schedule a consultation with our staff.

How do intensives accelerate treatment?

Research shows that EMDR accelerates treatment for a variety of issues and that the intensive format is effective. Most people that therapy must be only one hour per week, yet there are no studies indicating this timeframe is effective. EMDR is a therapy that enables your brain to turn on its natural healing system to reprocess memories in a timeframe that lasts at most for three days after your sessions. While everyone reprocesses memories at a different rate and has a difference tolerance level, we find the majority of people can process for 3-5 hours per day. This allows for a great deal of work to be done without interruption – although clients do take breaks as needed.
When you are doing weekly therapy, part of the session is spent on checking in from the previous week and dealing with issues that have arisen. Then the therapist takes time to set up for the processing This may take 10-20 minutes out of the hour session (and consider that most clinical hours are only 45-55 mins). With the intensive format, your brain remains in that optimal processing space for the entire duration of your treatment with no time lost on discussing your week, traffic, work, or other issues that have arisen. Your brain remains in the processing mode is allowed to process the memory uninterrupted to completion. This speeds up your brain’s ability to heal, allowing quicker relief of symptoms and faster return to a healthy, happy, productive life.


Additionally, intensives allow you to remove daily stressors and responsibilities and focus solely on your healing.

How do I get the most out of my EMDR intensive?

While these are not requirements for an intensive, we have found that they are helpful in allowing you to get the most out of this experience.


Before Your Session:

  • Positive prior therapy experience
  • Support system – at least one person who knows you’re doing an intensive and can be called upon for support throughout
  • Positive coping skills – i.e. mindfulness, breathing techniques, exercise, hobbies, etc.
  • No active substance use – substances have been known to slow down EMDR processing
  • Willingness and desire to change
  • Personal Goals – think through some goals you have for this experience and share them with your assigned therapist


During Your Sessions:

  • Your mindset coming to an intensive is the foundation of your therapeutic success. Remain open and willing to be uncomfortable. While we hope you have time to relax and get refreshed in between sessions, the therapy sessions themselves will challenge you. Your assigned therapist will meet you where you’re at and create a safe healing environment. However, you will get as much out of this as you’re willing to put in.


In Between Sessions:

  • The rest of your day will be spent on your own to process, reflect on the work we have done, and relax and recoup for the next day. This is still part of the therapy! You may want to nap, read, walk, swim, or exercise during this time, so pack accordingly. Self-care is a critical part of any therapy, especially in this intensive format. For these reasons, we suggest treating this as a retreat and not staying at home or going to work, but instead scheduling enjoyable activities such as yoga, walks, massages, etc., and limiting your stress as much as possible.
Why is there a 4-6 hour window rather than a fixed time per day?

Your intensive is an individualized retreat, as everyone’s needs are different. The length of each session depends on several factors – how you process, how long your brain can process, your self-care in between sessions, and the intensity of the trauma processing itself, to name a few.

Some days will be longer than others – our goal is to have quality over quantity in each session. If your brain becomes over tired, effective processing stops, so sometimes, the most effective tool is to take a break and allow your brain to rest. Our therapy team will meet you where you are each day and determine the best use of time based on your needs and daily capacity.

Can I use my insurance?

Unfortunately, EMDR intensives are not currently covered by insurance.


We also don’t use insurance at Coast to Coast for the following reasons, including prioritizing protection of:


Your Information:

  • Maintaining your confidentiality is of the utmost importance. When billing insurance, we cannot guarantee the same level of confidentiality as many insurance companies require more disclosure to justify the services provided. Any information that is disclosed ends up on your permanent medical record.


Your Diagnosis:

  • A diagnosis is required for an insurance company to cover the cost of therapeutic services. Whatever diagnosis you receive becomes a part of your permanent record, which can impact areas such as life insurance, health insurance premiums, background checks for certain occupations, and more.
  • If you do meet the criteria for any mental health diagnosis, we want that to stay confidential and protected from outside entities.
  • We believe that a diagnosis should not be a permanent label; instead, it is a tool to best guide your treatment and support the healing of your individualized needs.


Your Treatment:

  • At this time, insurance companies operate within a weekly-therapy model. This means they do not allow providers to do more than one hour of therapy daily. This does not fit with an intensive model, which calls for 4-6 hours of daily therapy.
Are intensives right for me?

At Coast to Coast, we find intensives are a good fit for:

  • Individuals with busy schedules who struggle to find time for weekly sessions
  • Parents who struggle to find consistent childcare for weekly therapy
  • Individuals who worry about processing their trauma in small doses amid daily responsibilities, as is the case with weekly therapy
  • People who are ready to take a deeper dive into their healing
  • Individuals who are looking for a more efficient option for therapy
  • Individuals who want to feel better quickly, so they can enjoy life now and not wait a year.


Special considerations we’ve noted:

  • Substance abuse history – for best results, we require a minimum of 30 days of sobriety prior to the beginning of your intensive. EMDR is a brain-based therapy that works with your brain’s ability to heal itself. Substances can interfere with processing.
  • Recent or active suicidal intent – because we are not an in-patient treatment center, we need to ensure that you are safe on your own between sessions. History of suicidal thoughts or attempts should be discussed in further detail with your assigned therapist prior to your intensive.
  • Must be 18 years old or older to receive treatment with our team


None of these considerations are disqualifiers, but they should be discussed during your intake call to determine if we are the right fit for your needs. Ensuring your safety is our main concern.

What if I need to cancel?

If you need to reschedule your EMDR intensive, you will be put back on the waiting list, and we will provide dates based on availability.


If you need to cancel, you can cancel 30 days before your intensive and will receive your deposit back minus $500. This covers the cost of your pre-treatment assessments, intake calls, and the time your therapist has set aside for your intensive.
If you must cancel less than 30 days before your intensive, your deposit is not refundable.


We do understand that sometimes life and unexpected things happen, so while this is our policy, please contact us so we can discuss this further if necessary.

What is the intake process?
  • If you are interested in scheduling an intensive with us, please complete an inquiry using our form, or email us at insightcounselingintensives@gmail.com
  • We will contact you once we receive your inquiry to schedule a free 30-45-minute pre-treatment assessment. On this call, we will discuss your current symptoms and struggles, a brief history, your goals, and other necessary information to ensure that we are the right fit for you and your needs.
  • If we both agree that Coast to Coast is the right fit, we will send you information to complete a trauma assessment online; your number of recommended days for your intensive will be based on this test.
  • Once we receive that assessment, we will contact you again to discuss the recommended dates and schedule your intensive.
  • A 50% deposit will be required to secure your appointment dates. The remaining 50% will be paid on the first day of the EMDR intensive.
When can I schedule?

We typically have a waitlist, so we recommend contacting us sooner rather than later if you want to schedule. If we have a cancellation, we will inform you and try to schedule you sooner.